Connor cooks Alicia a steak and tells her he ensures all his people get a hot meal every night. Despite having hot steak and a working TV she finds a way out and discovers the boat’s docked at a port. Jack finds her and she interrogates him on her family’s whereabouts. Jack begs her to trust him.
Back on The Abigail Reed, who’s being held hostage, threatens Daniel that he’ll pay if he doesn’t hand him over to Connor. Daniel reminds him men who inspire fear never have to say how frightening they are to others. Later, Chris stands guard over Reed while Daniel and Madison strategize how to get Travis and Alicia back. Luis begs Madison not to veer from Mexico but she insists they won’t travel south without everyone.
Alicia steals Jack’s knife as he demonstrates how to mark and contact boats on radar. Travis wakes up in a cell and is confronted by Alex on the other side. She recounts being saved by Connor and his men after getting cut loose by Strand. In exchange she tipped them off about The Abigail and the people on board. Things aren’t looking optimistic for Travis.
Strand takes over the wheel as Madison grills him on sending Nick on errands. Meanwhile, Jack discovers The Abigail is on their tail and Alicia (who thinks Reid has taken over) assumes her family’s been taken/killed by Reed. Alex tells Travis Connor plans on using her, but she won’t let him.
Alicia reveals her escape plan to Travis but he advises her to find her way out without him. Connor radios Madison to give up Reed but she answers, “You can have your brother when I get my family back.” They hear a gunshot and discover Chris has killed Reed.
Reed turns into a walker but Daniel decides to keep him alive so they can still make the trade. Madison and Connor move to make the trade as Vida catches Alicia trying to leave. Alicia fights back and locks Vida in the cage. Madison and Connor exchange Reed for Travis when Reed bites Connor’s arm and Travis head-butts one of his men. Although Alicia has feelings for Jack, she decides to leave him and re-join Travis and Madison.
What did you think of the episode?
I thought this was a good episode. Next time they should consider showing the most exciting parts like Chris actually shooting Reed or Alex mercy killing Jake. All in all this season is getting more exciting, i can’t wait to see what happens in the midseason finale.
Also any comic fans get reminded of the Holly/Denise incident.
Just like Holly, except that this time it was the “good guys” pulling that trick, barely a month into the apocalypse. Then it was a Very Bad Man Indeed, someone who’d do quite literally anything to make sure things go his way. What does this say about Madison and crew? Are they still the good guys? Are they going to be going forward?
I felt that the hood thing was the first nod to comic fans in this series. We’ve gotten many in the other show
Hopefully it was the first of many.
Alex had me smiling. Just that little bit of her was the highlight for me. More of her, more of Daniel Salazar.
That was fear the walking dead i just watched? hhhmmmm i thought it looked familiar
turned it on an fell asleep
Another excellent episode. Thank-you Mr. Kirkman.
The whole episode was great !! Alicia’s jump off the boat was crazy. Hooded,speared walker, Alex getting back at Travis…although I think Strand deserves some of the blame for that. Prego chick tryin to be a bad ass, Chris takin care of bidnus (although he messed that up a little), don’t let Alicia have clipboards, Travis goin in for the headbutt…ohh man that made my head hurt. Nicks clothes stayed clean. Daniel can be brutal when he needs to be….BAD ASS EPISODE !!!… I will take my steak to go please
Was there a mention from Luis of a cost per head? Is Strand maybe dabbling in some slave trade? Doth my ears deceive me?
I think that was the cost to get them across because he said he didn’t have money for 7.
Thanks! I missed out on some parts of conversation here & there.
It seems the characters are finally “getting” what the zombie apocalypse is all about. They are more ruthless, and try to think ahead now. That is making it much more exciting to watch. Reid was cool while he lasted. Travis is finally growing a set. I still want Madison to be thrown overboard but I doubt that would happen. And I finally am learning to appreciate Alicia, her grabbing Jack’s knife and her Indiana Jones moves off the boat were pretty cool.
I loved how they pulled that Negan strategy, same as with Holly!
I want to like this show, I really, really do, I haven’t given up on it yet, it’s definitely got potential, but man they’re making it difficult. Can we just kill Alicia already, she’s gotta go, such a ridiculous portion of the story. And I was super disappointed they stole the zombie in bag trick so close to when it’s probably going to happen on the regular show, totally stole the thunder of that moment from the main story which is going to feel repetitive if we see it again. Even non comic viewers will see it coming now. I don’t want to seem like I’m totally shitting on the show, even though I kinda am, but I had high hopes. I feel like the show does a pretty good job of building suspense and tension, but fails to payoff with big, exciting moments, I always seem to be left underwhelmed… but I keep coming back… cause it’s related to TWD. I think the show would benefit from the episodes not feeling so singular. There hasn’t been much connective tissue between the episodes, until these last two.