Welcome to our new website! As OUTCAST by KIRKMAN & AZACETA heads into it’s FOURTH arc (issue #19 will be out July 27!) and the show is less than a month away we figured we should really have a home for all things OUTCAST, whatever form they might come in. Our partners at Cinemax have a really great production blog dedicated to the show, so we’ll be pointing out their new posts, as well as posting issue discussions, covers, trailers, new merch, all sorts of stuff!
So click around the site, see if you can break it (and if you do, post a comment and let us know), and get excited for OUTCAST!
NOTE: If you post a comment and don’t see it, DON’T PANIC. it will go into PENDING until we approve it. I think once one or two comments have been manually approved, all of your comments should show immediately.
First comment down here (besides mine) wins a signed something!
I can’t believe your inroanatientl version of the trip has come to an end! How is that possible? But so glad you will be home soon! We can’t wait to see you (and to have a sleepover).
“Évek óta két géppel a nyakamban járok fotózni.”ValószÃnűleg ott van köztünk különbség, hogy én már évek óta nem “járok fotózni”. Akár városban kószálok, akár a természetben vagyok, az elsÅ‘ számú cél mindig az, hogy ott legyek, hogy lássak és részese lehessek valaminek. Ebben engem iszonyatosan gátolna egy nagy táska.
I’m out of league here. Too much brain power on display!
The best wind protection I have found is to use the old material that keeps kids from falling off the trampoline. It is like heavy shade cloth. I put it up attached to 5 green utility type poles and it shields about 20′ wide by 4′the high. Perfect for the wind dominant side of the garden
This is something I’ve been waiting for – looking forward to some new characters and a show I can sink into.
I’ve watched the trailer a few times – it gets better with repeated viewings.
Piccola osservazione da coloipttmsta: ma se non riescono a verificare una banalità come questa con i millemila strumenti che esistono, come possiamo fidarci di ciò che scrivono in articoli più seri? Quando riferiscono che il politico X ha dichiarato che, come faccio a fidarmi? Come controllo? Certo, poi smentiscono a pagina 14 in corpo 7, però, bah, mi sento molto blue…
Wow, what a listing this time. Seham and Kate. Akiva Eldar’s piece contains some interesting tidbits.Just got this in my email box. Young Jews of JVP video:And although this is OT, considering the reports of congressional activity above, Tom Ferguson on Dylan Ratigan’s show about how congress and money work is enlightening. Podcast (2nd link) well worth listening to.
It's true that social media gives lawyers even more ways to show their ignorance or lack of discretion. But that doesn't mean we need new rules restricting its use. So says Mr. O'Keefe and I agree, as I've written before.
I’d like to call this site home & hopefully, it will feel like home with some good discussions, without any pre-aired spoilers. LOVE Outcast & looking forward to the TV adaptation!!!
Glad to have you join us!
Thanks! The layout of this site is wonderful!
A bit suiesrrpd it seems to simple and yet useful.
“his Rachel Corrie moment comeround at last” …i think visible was paying homage to “what rough yeats” here, giving the similarity of terrain.may the hour of justice come closer to all in 2012.
as a 28 year old divorcee with no kids and a vasectomy living in Champaign I’ve got two words for you: grad students. They are abundant, usually mature enough to avoid a lot of drama and they come with a built in out: after they graduate they usually get a job or move back to Chicago with their parents. Get out there and scoop it up with both hands!
Hi Suzanne,Yes, all the winners get called by the editors before the announcement. Not sure exactly how long, though, maybe one of the past winners has a general idea?~Amy
What’s Happening i am new to this, I stumbled upon this I’ve found It positively useful and it has helped me out loads. I hope to contribute & aid other users like its aided me. Good job.
Tony rough road. glad to see you back… You told me while you were at the CDU charge nurse desk you would teach me how to steelhead with the fly. Have beer will travel. Peace man.
Cartoons are not sexy. They never have been and never will be. I remember when everyone was all gaga over Jessica Rabbit. Hello, it is a cartoon. Get your jollies from somewhere else!
yakup büyükkayaer diyor ki:merhaba ben konya selçuk üniversitesi endüstriyel elektronik mezunuyum askerliğimi yaptım.1988 doğumluyum ankarada oturuyorum sizinle çalışmak istiyorum iyi günler.. tel=05359646934
Assalmualaikum pak,saat ini saya sedang menyusun skripsi,saya membutuhkan data perusahaan sektor barang konsiumsi yang membagikan dividen tahun 2007-2011,,bagaimana cara memperoleh datanya ya pak,,?mohon bantuannya pak..terima kasih sebelumnya pak,,
I am running vista 64 I can change transparency only once after that I cannot change it back or any of the other window states. I love the application just wish I had a way to undo what was done without having to close and re-open the application.