An anthology series set in The Walking Dead universe, featuring standalone episodes that explore different characters and events within the apocalypse. Each episode focuses on new or lesser-known characters, providing fresh perspectives and unique stories that expand the rich world of the franchise. With a mix of drama, suspense, and horror, the show delves into the lives of people surviving in a world overrun by the undead.
"There’s safety in solitude, but who’s left to share it with?"
fans eager to explore untold stories of the apocolypse
Release Date
August 14, 2022
Tales of the Walking Dead
An anthology series set in The Walking Dead universe, featuring standalone episodes that explore different characters and events within the apocalypse. Each episode focuses on new or lesser-known characters, providing fresh perspectives and unique stories that expand the rich world of the franchise. With a mix of drama, suspense, and horror, the show delves into the lives of people surviving in a world overrun by the undead.
"There’s safety in solitude, but who’s left to share it with?"